James Wanless's Sustain Yourself Oracle Cards and guidebook in original box. Description from author's website: The exigencies of life in the 21st century—pandemics, environmental crisis, overpopulation, and fewer resources—have made sustainability the holy grail of our lives today. We must follow Earth’s wisdom and live in concert with her natural cycles if we are to survive and thrive. Accompanied by a 160-page handbook, the Sustain Yourself Oracle set includes 101 cards featuring: Stunning collage images of nature, the elements, and the animal kingdom encompassing all life on Earth—flora, fauna, minerals, and human conditions—all in kaleidoscopic array. Aspects of daily life, states of being, natural vistas, and astronomical phenomena that speak to the need to care for the planet as well as the self. Every theme, from cooperation, diversity, evolution, transformation, birth, aging, and death to the cycles of creation and destruction.